I'm a new user of LocoFi, and so far I'm very impressed! My first conversion is a diesel locomotive and the preset sounds is really awesome, to say the least. My next locomotive will be a Swedish X2000 electric train. And my question or "wish list" is that the pitch of the "running" sound had a way to be edited. On diesels the pitch will increase with speed, but for electric locomotives or trains there is mostly a blower sound that should not change pitch with speed. It's just a constand pitch even if speed changes. For european modelers there are no "bell" so this sound could be any other sound suitable for your train. Maybe there is room for more sounds for the sound controller to handle? And maybe customizable icons or editable text in the APP to give them names or meaning for the user.
I love the product! And it works just 100% perfect for deadtracking with onboard LiPo Battery.
WiFi and on board power is my future for model trains. All my DCC stuff is going to collect dust, because I will never ever return to that outdated technology again!
Here goes my first installation : https://www.wifimodelrailroad.com/forum/installation/mehano-sncf-cc70000-with-dynamic-smoke