Please, could you update about potential IOS app availibility ? Thank you
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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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The release of the iOS app is somewhat delayed. However, we want to reassert that it is still on our roadmap. Only that its priority has been lowered while we work on some cool exciting new products and features first. Another reason for pushing down the priority of the iOS based app is that it is a totally different platform requiring app development from scratch with an equal amount of time, effort and resources required for its development as is required for the Android platform and yet something that would end up with a similar interface.
On the other hand, we are already seeing a great deal of success with adoption for Android and Amazon FireOS based platforms. Being relatively cheaper devices, most iOS only users have ended up purchasing one of the above mentioned devices exclusively for running trains. Obviously, no cellphone service is required. Our survey has revealed a 50-50 split between Android and iOS users with most iOS users okay to purchase a separate cheaper Android device for running trains and NOT vice versa. Not only that, we even recommend our Android users to purchase another sub $50 Android device exclusively for running trains. That leaves your primary device for your personal use.
-LocoFi Team