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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
Until a higher amp LocoFiâ„¢ module is available, please visit the following link for an alternative solution: Interfacing LocoFiâ„¢ to H-bridge
Steam sounds will now be possible with LocoFiâ„¢ 3.
Lol. You really want to hold us accountable for that date and YOU SHOULD! We apologize for having missed dates for release of some of the products. Honestly, the demand has been more than what we had anticipated and having limited staff partly restricted us from bringing timely innovations to the world of model railroading. Other factors included the pandemic and the last minute production issues.
Rest assured, we are working and working real hard. We even have some help available now, so that should speed things up a bit. Not only that, the expertise will help us in bringing top of the class products to the market.
To answer your questions, the tentative release schedule is as follows:
Steam sounds - 6 months or sooner
2A or greater module - The 2A diesel sounds based DDLLHA is already on sale. For more amps, it will be after we are able to get the steam out. Please expect towards end of first quarter of next year.
iOS (the title of this post) - This is now somewhat delayed. We are already seeing a great deal of success with Android and Amazon FireOS based apps. Being relatively cheaper devices, most iOS only users have ended up purchasing one of the above mentioned devices exclusively for running trains. Obviously, no cellphone service is required. The primary reason for pushing down priority of the iOS based app was that it is a totally different platform requiring app development from scratch. We realized that we were putting in a great deal of effort and resources towards that and yet we would end up with a similar interface. Not only that, our survey revealed a 50-50 split between Android and iOS users with most iOS users okay to purchase a separate Android device for running trains and NOT vice versa. So, we do not realistically expect anything for at least a year from now (July 15, 2021). However, if we are able to get more help, we could end up releasing it sooner.
Hope that helps.