Was the On-board capacitor to assist with dirty track issues included in the Gen 2 receiver module? I have one installed but am waiting for steam controls and sounds before installing the Gen 3 boards I have purchased.
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!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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If the rails/wheels aren't rusty, a run of artist grade graphite stick every other month and occasionally running you loco every few days should be enough.
However, for a complete worry free solution, a small commercial supercapacitor based solution should be enough.
Amrit™, which we expect to be available by early next year takes it a level beyond where you can have unpowered sections of track e.g. reversing loop doesn't need to be powered, etc. and have worry free operation for minutes and yet maintain total control of your train.
Then I am still looking for a simple very small pc board with solder pads to wire between rail pickups, a small commercial KA/SA such as TCS KA2 and then pads to connect to the LocoFi module. That is unless Amrit is coming very soon.
Hi Ken,
Yes, all the modules come with an onboard capacitor to help with minor dirty track issues. Please note that they are not a power backup solution for maintaining power disruptions for longer than a few milliseconds.
- LocoFi™ Team