My HO module club has a Digitrax command station. This weekend at a public show I ran my LocoFi-equipped engine at the same time as five DCC trains without any problems. All of the tracks are powered by that one command station but the tracks are divided among three circuit breakers: east mainline, west mainline, and sidings/yards/other. This works fine because it allows seamless switching operation between tracks but a short will only disable one of the three. If you don't see the video in this post, see it here: .
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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
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Great video! Beautiful layout! Thanks for sharing.
It also showcases the ability of LocoFi engines to run on DCC powered layout. When we setup at shows, we have several people come to us asking if they can test their engine that they just bought on our layout. Most of them are either DC or DCC and they are looking for compatible layouts. If it was LocoFi, the power agnostic feature would make it run on any layout regardless of power type.